*Product Instructions: 95 (A)
Garnier Olia does come with easy-to-read and easy-to-understand instructions, making it a good choice for people who may need step-by-step instructions when they are dying their hair.
*Mixing the product: 81 (B-)
If you are following the instructions to a T when doing your hair (which I did), then you may find it a bit on the difficult side to mix the product fully before using. As with all hair dyes, you are instructed to put on the included gloves before mixing, which makes sense so you don't dye or burn your fingers depending on what kind of hair dye you are doing. With new Garnier Olia OIL-BASED hair color, it's not so easy. The gloves provided are smoother than a baby's bottom (sorry I had to), and the container used to mix and apply hair color is oval in shape and difficult to hold on to if even the slightest bit of said oil-based product get on the outside.
*Applying the product: 72 (C-)
Again, going back to the gloves with no traction, a very smooth oval shaped bottle, and oil-based product. At this point, there is no avoiding getting any of the product on the outside of the application bottle, especially if you are like me and have to use both hands to do your own hair. I ended up eventually taking the gloves off and dealing with oily hands and fingers because I couldn't hold on to the bottle anymore. In my opinion (since this IS my review), the process may be made easier by either providing gloves with some form of traction or putting some ridges on the bottle to make it easier to hold, pick up, and put down without dropping it and making a mess (which I did 3 or 4 times before ditching the gloves).
*Rinsing the product: 85 (B)
As with anything oil-based, it's going to be hard to get off anything even with the use of soap, which, as any avid hair-dyers know, is not allowed when you are rinsing the dye out of your hair. So, what is usually a 5 minute job with regular dyes becomes (in my case) roughly 15 minutes of just rinsing. On the plus side of the whole rinsing process, the conditioner that comes with the dye smells absolutely amazing, and I wish I could buy it on it's own to use daily.
*Final Color: 81 (B-)
The instructions said to leave the color in for 30 minutes for shorter hair (I cut mine the day before dying so I would only have to use 1 bottle). I ended up keeping it in for 45 minutes to get the lightest possible color I could. The color could have turned out a little better, but in part that is my fault because I was forced to either wait an undetermined amount of time to get the actual color I wanted from the store or get the next closest color when I went. I chose the second option and got a slightly darker blonde than I wanted. All in all, the color itself was pretty, but not the exact shade I was hoping for when I got the product.
*Overall Score: 81 (B-)
Will I ever try new Garnier Olia Oil Powered hair dye again? Who knows, maybe. If I get a coupon from somewhere making the price more affordable for my limited hair care budget, then yeah, I'll give it another go. I'll just have to remember to either get help with the application or keep some better gloves on hand. If you are a hair coloring pro in your mind, then go ahead and give this product a try. Your experience just might be better than mine.
*I received the product, New Garnier Olia Oil Powered Permanent Hair Color, and some points depositied into my MyPoints account, courtesy of BzzAgent for my honest opinion. It pays to be a BzzAgent. :)
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